Why Are My Headphones So Quiet? (9 Easy Steps To Fix It!)

Why Are My Headphones So Quiet? Headphones are necessary for monitoring and mixing, however, they can be inconvenient when the sound is too quiet.

This blog post will go through some of the most common reasons why your headphones may not be loud enough, as well as the guide on how to fix them.

We've all experienced the problem where the headset is too quiet or one earpiece is louder than the other, especially when using wireless headphones or earphones.

So, in this article, I will discuss the probable causes of your headphones being quieter than usual, as well as how to resolve earbud silence difficulties.


Why Are My Headphones So Quiet? (Easy Steps To Fix It!)
Why Are My Headphones So Quiet? (Easy Steps To Fix It!)

Quick Answer, Why are my Headphones so Quiet?

The first thing to do is check the balance of your media player; it may be set to one side more than the other; also check if there is any loose connection in the jack socket if you are using a wired headphone; consider checking if one side of your earbud is dirty, or the audio file you're playing is playing one side quieter than the other; if none of these solutions work, try switching your headset sides, left on the right ear and vice versa.


Reasons Why Headphones Are Quiet

Hearing Problems

This could be the main reason you believe your headphones are too loud or too quiet. Long-term exposure to loud music and noises can harm your hearing.

Even if the volume is the same, it may get to the point where it is no longer loud enough for you.

Some Earphones or Headphones have a low volume

Another cause might be this. Not all headphones or earbuds are created by the same company. As a result, there will be disparities in music, sound, call quality, and so on.

Faulty Drivers for Headphones or Earbuds

The main equipment that generates sound – might be faulty or damaged. This happens when the device ages, falls to the ground, gets wet, has loose wiring, and so on.

The problem might be anything that causes the driver to become faulty and have low loudness.

Problem with Audio Files

What I mean by an audio file issue is any audio file that you are playing, whether it is mp3 or Wav or any other file type, and regardless of the file type, I am targeting the quality that audio in that file has been recorded or trans-coded, in other words, the audio you are playing may be encoded with a low volume so that no matter how much volume you increase it will remain relatively low to you.

Ear Wax Problem

Your ears may have wax in the ear canal, which limits sound transfer to the eardrum and, as a result, reduces sound volume as well as quality, and this could happen in one or both ears.

Remember that using earphones for an extended period of time will cause your ear to develop ear wax.

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Problem with Cleaning Earbuds

Because you have been using your earphones for a long time, they are likely to become dirty, causing the speaker grid to become clogged with wax, preventing the music from being generated precisely.

Problems with Wireless Headset Connectivity

This could happen with any Bluetooth headphones or earbuds; these are electrical devices that occasionally freeze or disconnect from your mobile or media player device via Bluetooth connection, so you may notice your wireless headset becoming quieter or one side becoming quiet due to a connectivity or pairing issue.

Problem with a Plug or Socket

This only applies to wired headphones; it is common to hear noises or have headphones that sound strange due to a loose connection between your headphone plug and your mobile or device socket as a result of either the low quality of the headphone or of using it many times over a long period of time; additionally, while putting your mobile phone in your pocket, the socket may have some dust or sort of cotton particles that remain inside the sock.

Easy Ways to solve Earphones being Quiet

Easy Ways to solve Earphones being Quiet
Easy Ways to solve Earphones being Quiet

1. Check that your Headphones are properly plugged in

Check to see whether your headphone jack has a loose connection. It can be difficult to discern, but plugging and unplugging the headphones a few times while listening to them may do the work.

If this does not resolve your low headphone volume issue, or if it simply mutes one side of the sound, there is a problem with the cables inside or in the headphone jack.

If you have an Apple device and a lightning cord, try connecting the headphone connector to your computer instead of directly into the phone to see if that solves the problem.

2. Examine your Device's volume settings

Check that your sound settings are set to maximum volume. Check the volume on whatever device you're using to send audio to the headphones to ensure it's not too low. If you're monitoring the output of a mixer, ensure sure all of your audio settings' levels are turned up.

Plug up your headphones again and try playing audio with the volume set to maximum.

3. Increase the volume of your headphones

This may seem obvious, but ensure sure the volume dial on your headphones is cranked all the way up. If you don't have a volume control for your headphones, crank them all the way up in whatever device you're using (phone, computer, etc).

Volume controls can become clogged with dust or grime, making it difficult to lower the volume. Move the joystick up and down a few times to free any dust particles that may be trapped inside.

The only disadvantage of having your sound volume set to maximum is that it may degrade sound quality. This is why you should experiment with your volume control to achieve the ideal balance of sound quality and volume.

Recommended:  How To Fix Unbalanced Headphones? (6 Easy Ways!)

4. Experiment with a different set of headphones or earbuds

If the other options above don't work, try switching to a different pair of headphones. You could also try the problematic headphone on another device or with a different sound source. This may aid in determining the source of the problem and resolving it. If you're looking for a new pair of headphones, see my other post about headphones for monitoring.

5. Examine your Ear fit

You might notice that the fit of your over-ear headphones or earbuds isn't quite perfect. Make sure your headphones are positioned in or around your ear canal, rather than merely on top of it, to assist filter out extraneous noise and allow you to hear more clearly.

The sound waves will be muffled if they are too large and loosely seated in your ears, and you will need to dial up the volume.

Due to a lack of space for air circulation, you may feel pressure against your eardrums if they are too small or tight. To offer extra space, consider placing some cotton or other material within the ear cups.

6. Disable any noise-canceling functions

Check to make sure no noise-canceling features are on. This can muffle the sound from your headphones, making them appear quieter than they are.

Turn off any noise-canceling features in your device's settings, or adjust the level so that you can hear ambient sounds like cars passing by or people conversing on their phones nearby. You might be interested in my post about headphone static.

7. Examine your Bluetooth connection

If you use a Bluetooth headset, the volume may be low due to a poor connection. Check to see if your battery is fully charged. If this is the case, try switching locations or turning them off and on again. If it doesn't work, try changing Bluetooth sources – these are normally available in the settings menu for your device or Bluetooth transmitter.

8. GooDev Volume Booster for Android

A fantastic program with a simple user interface. If you're having trouble with your headphone's loudness, this is a must-have. The app is compatible with all devices running Android 4.4 or later.

9. iOS version of Boom

The best approach to increase the volume on an iOS smartphone is to unlock the maximum volume limitations in the Settings app. Here's a video by LoFi Alpaca that shows you how: How to Increase the Maximum Volume on an iPhone! (2021)

Boom is yet another software that has a plethora of functionalities. It can function as a replacement for the default music player, an equalization, and a volume booster.

Troubleshooting Quiet Headphones
Troubleshooting Quiet Headphones

Final Thoughts on Why Headphones are Quiet

It can be incredibly frustrating when your headphones suddenly become silent. No one wants to invest in an audio device that appears to perform well until it begins to do half of the job for which it was purchased. As unpleasant as this occurrence is, it is also rather common.

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For example, if you're listening to music on your iPhone and your headphones aren't correctly plugged in, the audio will most likely cut in and out or have a substantial volume drop. Check to determine whether your headphones are correctly plugged in and if the audio is still muffled.

  1. Problem With an Audio File
  2. Issues with Connectivity (Bluetooth)
  3. I Have an Ear Problem
  4. Configuration Issues
  5. I Have an Ear Problem

Maintaining the cleanliness of your audio device is a vital preventative strategy. If you're listening on an iPhone or another smartphone with a headphone jack, make sure to clean it out on a regular basis.

Audio ports are a constant receptacle for dust and other filth, which might influence the volume level of your headphones over time. This also applies to your headphones and earbuds.

If you listen to music using earbuds, remember to clean the eartips on a regular basis to remove wax buildup and other chemicals that can destroy the hardware over time.

Internal wiring in headphone cables can fray or twist to the point where your connection diminishes. While it may not always be obvious, you may notice that when you jiggle the wire around, the volume level drops. This is an indication that your cable needs to be repaired or replaced.

To avoid volume loss and hardware degradation, keep your connection untangled and store your wired headphones appropriately.

If your headphone still quiet headphone, consider adjusting your volume limit or find a Bluetooth speaker to connect to. You can also consider having noise-canceling headphones so loud noise won't be a problem.

We hope that this article is helpful for you! Leave us feedback!

Why are my headphones so quiet? How to solve it
Why are my headphones so quiet? How to solve it

FAQs About Troubleshooting Quiet Headphones

How do I increase the volume of my headphones?

If you have an Android, go to settings and then select the sound section. You'll be able to hear the various sound settings. Click the media settings button and modify it to your liking. You can do so while listening to a song since the music will direct you to the correct settings.

How can you improve a headphone's low sound?

1. Clean your earbuds.
2. Modify the sound balance setting.
3. Examine the wires for any damage.
4. Clean out the headphone jack slot.
5. Examine the mesh for any obstructions.
6. Using a different pair of headphones, test your phone/device.
7. Switch the sides.
8. Restart your computer or device.

Do headphones become quieter with use?

Aside from normal wear and tear, headphones might lose volume over time. This is due to the sound waves it generates. The sound will then degrade, losing characteristics such as bass and loudness. The loudness will gradually decrease, and you will hear a lot of buzzing.

Trina Oralde

I'm a tech writer and contributor who covers the latest in gadgets and technology. I keep my finger on the pulse of the tech world, so you don't have to. Stay up-to-date on the latest with me!


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