How To Wear Headphones Properly? (Complete Answer Here)

How To Wear Headphones Properly? Assume you've just purchased a new pair of headphones and are ready to put them to use. You put on the headphones, but something doesn't feel quite right. You're feeling a little uneasy – not so much that it hurts, but just enough to be apparent and unpleasant that it distracts you.

As a result, you frequently find yourself adjusting and readjusting your headphones in order to achieve a better fit, yet even after doing so, you end yourself continuously stopping the headphones from falling off your head.

Your hair cannot flow easily while wearing headphones or find really discomfort feelings, this related article will help you in finding the answers on how to wear headphones properly!

How To Wear Headphones Properly?
How To Wear Headphones Properly?

Why Is It Important to Wear Headphones Properly?

Can you picture attempting to listen to your favorite music while continually having to readjust your Bluetooth headphones, or watching a movie while having to keep your headphones from slipping off? Doesn't exactly sound like the best-case situation, does it?


These are just a few of the issues that can arise if you don't wear your headphones correctly.

Incorrectly using your headphones can cause headaches, as well as pain or discomfort in your ears. Wearing your headphones incorrectly can also have an impact on your performance during certain activities, such as working out or going for a run, due to the cord getting in the way of your movement.

Using your headphones properly can significantly improve your overall listening experience. In addition to allowing you to get the most out of what you're listening to, wearing headphones correctly can also allow you to get the most out of what the headphones have to offer.

Wearing your headphones correctly will help with their maintenance and longevity because you'll be utilizing them in the way the designers intended. Based on the headphone design, you may also expect greater sound quality from the headphones because a perfect fit ensures a more stable seal for good sound isolation and ventilation.

How to Wear Headphones?

Here's a quick guide to the best practices for each brand of headset.

How to Wear Headphones?
How to Wear Headphones?

How to Properly Wear On-Ear and Over-Ear Headphones?

On-ear and over-ear headphones may appear identical at first glance, but there are significant distinctions that might alter your overall experience with them.

In general, on-ear headphones are smaller and more compact than over-ear headphones. These headphones have little ear cups that sit on top of your ears but do not completely cover them. The Bowers & Wilkins PX5 is an excellent example of on-ear headphones.

Over-ear headphones, on the other hand, have larger ear cups that cover your ears. The padding on the ear cups is large enough to completely cover the ears and provide a secure seal around them. The Sony WH-1000XM4 is one of the year's most recognizable over-ear headphones.

  • Determine whether the side of the on-ear/over-ear headphones is left and which side is right. On each side, you'll normally see “L” and “R” markings, indicating the proper orientation.
  • Put on the noise-canceling headphones after you've ensured proper positioning. Place the headband in the center of your head and each ear cup directly on your ears.
  • Play around with the location where the earpads land on the ear to find a position that allows you to adequately hear the audio without feeling restricting or weird.

When using over-ear headphones, make sure the earpads completely surround your ears. It is beneficial to position the headphones such that your ears are in the center of the ear cups, with no part of your ears protruding from the pads.

Make any necessary modifications to the headphones' other components. You may modify the height of the headphones, the gripping strength of the headband, and even the positioning of the cord (for wired headsets). Allow yourself to experiment with the positioning until you find the most comfortable fit.

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How to Wear Wireless Earbuds and In-Ear Headphones?

How to Wear Wireless Earbuds and In-Ear Headphones?
How to Wear Wireless Earbuds and In-Ear Headphones?

The same may be said of in-ear headphones and earbuds, with both devices looking identical but possessing distinguishing features that tell them distinct.

In-ear headphones are meant to stay within the ear. Soft material (such as silicone and foam) ear tips on these headphones help hold the device in place while forming a reliable seal within the ear.

True Wireless Earbuds, on the other hand, do not truly stay in your ear canal. These, on the other hand, are specifically engineered to remain in the space right outside of your ear canal (concha). Earbuds typically lack soft ear tips and instead have little drivers that sit just outside the ear.

For earbuds

Determine the earbuds' left and right sides. On each side, you'll normally see “L” and “R” markings, indicating the proper orientation.

Put on the earbuds after ensuring proper orientation. Place each earbud on the corresponding side of your head, making sure the concha of your ear fits snugly.

If you're still having difficulties keeping your earphones in your ears, you might want to look for accessories that you can combine with your earbuds to keep them from falling out. There are other options available, such as getting ear hooks or wingtips, so shop around to see what works best for you.

For in-ear headphones

There are two basic ways to wear in-ear headphones, depending on how they are built. The over-the-ear/around-the-ear method and the straight down method are the two options.

The KZ AS16 and Sennheiser CX 300S are examples of over-the-ear in-ear headphones and standard in-ear headphones, respectively.

The primary distinction between the two is that the former needs specific ear tips that require the headphone drivers to be positioned in such a way that the wire may loop around the ear, whereas the latter uses standard ear tips.

In-ear headphones

In-ear headphones are often worn straight down, with the cable dangling on the front or back. Because they are in-ear headphones rather than earbuds, it's best to wear them snugly by pulling on your earlobes while inserting the ear tips to ensure a good seal inside the ear canal.

  1. Determine which side of the in-ear headphones is left and which side is right. On each side, you'll normally see “L” and “R” markings, indicating the proper orientation.
  2. Put on the in-ear headphones after ensuring proper orientation. Put each ear tip on the opposite side of your head. On the other hand, gently pull your earlobe to make enough space to gently slide the ear tip within your ear canal.
  3. Position the wire in front or behind you, depending on your inclination.

Headphones with over-the-ear/around-the-ear construction

These in-ear headphones have cables that loop around your ears for more security and to keep them from sliding off when moving. As previously stated, these headphones typically contain wingtips or ear tips that require a different placement to keep the drivers in place.

  1. Determine which side of the in-ear headphones is left and which side is right. On each side, you'll normally see “L” and “R” markings, indicating the proper orientation.
  2. Put on the in-ear headphones after ensuring proper orientation. Put each ear tip on the opposite side of your head. With your other hand, gently pull on your earlobe to create enough space to gently slide the ear tip within your ear canal.
  3. When wearing over-the-ear in-ear headphones, the lower end of the headphone driver (the component that links the wire to the driver) should be facing upwards.
  4. Loop the wire around your ear and tighten it tightly.
  5. After looping the wire over your ear, put the remaining wire in front or behind you, depending on your preference.
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How to Wear Headphones for Ears Comfortably?

In addition to learning how to wear headphones, you should also learn how to wear headphones while remaining comfy for your ears. Here are some pointers to think about.

How to Wear Headphones Correctly for Optimum Comfort and Function?
How to Wear Headphones Correctly for Optimum Comfort and Function?
  1. Make use of appropriately sized headphones

According to Nielsen estimates from 2014, more than 85 percent of persons in the United States between the ages of 18 and 34 own a smartphone. This represents a considerable increase from over 80% in the 2013 study. The issue here is that there are a large number of cellphones produced, but they all come with the manufacturer's headphones, which will be tough to fit the size of each user's ears.

Using ill-fitting wireless headphones reduces sound insulation, resulting in a lot of noise in the environment. More dangerously, people prefer to turn up the level to drown out background noises, which is hazardous to their health. Should select appropriate earbud headphones with good soundproofing. If not, you can purchase it or order the tip that best suits your needs.

2. Allow your fears to rest

Young people should limit their music listening on personal devices to no more than one hour each day. If you are exposed to 80 decibels of sound for more than 60 minutes, you will develop hearing difficulties.

The sound of city traffic or sewage treatment plants is similar to 80 dB. This level of sound can harm your ears if you listen for more than an hour. Remember the 80/60 rule, which applies to all sorts of audio, regardless of the source.

3. Avoid any sources of loud noise

Loud sources might still impair your hearing even if you don't wear headphones. Rock concerts, clubs, stadiums, train stations, airports, and even the sound of car horns on the road are all terrible for your ears. Consider wearing earplugs if you spend a lot of time in that setting.

How to Reduce Discomfort When Wearing Headphones?

  1. Selecting the Proper Headphones

The most reliable technique to determine the best sort of headphones for you is to try them on and get a feel for each of them. This enables you to evaluate which headphones are the comfiest for you.

2. Always double-check the fit

It doesn't matter how costly or high-quality your headphones are if they don't fit you properly. Although this tip mostly applies to in-ear headphones with changeable ear tips, it is useful to be aware of the significance of appropriate fit for other types of headphones as well.

Here's how to choose the best in-ear headphones for you:

  1. Put on the headphones and listen to any song with the stock ear tips.
  2. Remove the stock ear tips and replace them with ear tips of a different size that are compatible.
  3. Play the same music you were just listening to.
  4. Determine whether the audio quality and your overall comfort improved or worse.
  5. If it improved, leave the ear tips in place and stop here. If things worsened, feel free to try a different size.
  6. Repeat the process until you discover a pair of ear tips that improves sound quality while also being the most comfortable and having the best fit.

Remove Eyewear or Jewelry that could distract you

When wearing headphones, it is not suggested to wear earrings or other ear piercings because these things might cause discomfort or agony as well as damage to the ear cups or headphone padding.

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Although it is feasible to wear glasses or eyeglasses with headphones, it may necessitate a little extra work to ensure that it does not interfere with your overall listening experience.

Select the appropriate material

Most people don't realize it, but you don't have to use the stock headphone earpads or ear tips if you prefer something different. It's a good idea to experiment with different materials to choose the one you prefer.

Be a conscientious headphone user

Being a responsible headphone user involves putting your ear health and comfort first. Even if you use your headphones properly, there is a chance that you will experience some discomfort if you wear them for numerous hours at a time.

If at all feasible, take pauses every hour or so by removing your headphones and gently massaging your ears to allow them to air. It also helps if you can keep your device's audio at no more than 80% volume

How to Wear Headphones Correctly?
How to Wear Headphones Correctly?

Final Thoughts on How to Wear Headphones

Wearing headphones for long periods of time causes overwork of the nerve cells in the cochlea, damaging the ear and lowering one's quality of life. Many disasters will occur if you wear headphones excessively but incorrectly.

When listening to music through headphones for many hours or days, the nerve cells in the cochlea get overworked, resulting in weariness, ringing in the ears, hearing without understanding, and a reduced ability to perceive sounds.

Furthermore, it creates auditory fatigue, which affects the central nervous system: excessive and prolonged sound and noise will result in a condition of constant stimulation, culminating in hearing damage.

High-intensity music listening, or listening to music before bed and then falling asleep, always harms not just the hearing organs but also the central nervous system.

If worn inappropriately, it will cause hearing loss when listening to sounds above 85db consistently for more than 2 hours each day, which will continue for months.

Using them while driving can also cause distraction, potentially leading to an accident. When using headphones for an extended period of time, nerve fatigue causes the ear to be unable to comprehend and detect speech, resulting in slow reaction and poor absorption.

If the headset is not properly worn, it will cause soreness and headaches in the ear canal and ear canal. These are some of the reasons why you should learn how to wear headphones effectively and safely.

FAQs About Wearing Headphones Properly

What is the proper technique to put on headphones?

Gently pull up on the top of your ears, insert the earbud tips into your ear canal, and twist the headphones into place. This makes it simple to ensure that the headphones are properly and securely inserted into the ear canal.

Is it harmful to listen to music all day?

Those who suffer from tinnitus are prone to developing hyperacusis, which is a high sensitivity to even regular environmental sounds. “Earphone use should be limited to no more than an hour each day.” “Make sure you limit your usage to avoid ear pain or hearing loss,” advised Dr. Agarwal.

Do headphones loosen with use?

When left there for a day or so, the tension in the headset will relax, allowing for a proper fit with no discomfort. It is crucial to remember to go slowly since too much stretch in a short period of time might cause a break or fracture in the headband if it is stretched too much.

Trina Oralde

I'm a tech writer and contributor who covers the latest in gadgets and technology. I keep my finger on the pulse of the tech world, so you don't have to. Stay up-to-date on the latest with me!


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