How to Get Minecraft to Play Through Headphones (Easy Guide!)

How to Get Minecraft to Play Through Headphones? Before you begin Minecraft, make sure your Bluetooth device is turned on. If your device isn't Bluetooth, you can always plug it in before starting the game. If you've only encountered them, it should resolve the sound issues you've been having in Minecraft.

How to Get Minecraft to Play Through Headphones
How to Get Minecraft to Play Through Headphones

When it comes to gaming, headphones are an essential piece of equipment. Unlike speakers, most headphones these days have noise cancellation features that allow you to enjoy the game without being distracted by outside noise. Headphones also help the player have a more immersive gaming experience.

Headphones are especially useful when playing online games. Players can hear better sounds, distinguish mob sounds, and determine where they are coming from. This also allows the player to escape a dangerous situation faster.

Why am I unable to hear Minecraft using Bluetooth headphones?

If you're using a microphone or headset, make sure the correct device is selected in the dropdown menu for input or output. To open Sound Settings, right-click the Volume icon in the System Tray. After you've tried pairing, run the Bluetooth Troubleshooter again if necessary.


In Minecraft, how do you connect sound to headphones?

To resolve the issue, press F3+T to manually reload sounds (and all other resources). Because the audio output in this game is not switched, headphones cannot start or stop working after the game begins. Plugging in the headphones after the game has begun should provide audio to the headphones.

How Do Bluetooth Headphones Work With Audio?

  • The first step is to open the settings menu.
  • Then, select the Connections option.
  • When you're ready, tap Bluetooth.
  • After you've opened the app, tap Scan in the upper-right corner of your screen.
  • Next, press and hold the power button on your headphones…
  • Once you've located your headphones, tap them.

Why are my headphones not working in Minecraft?

If you have no sound while playing Minecraft, try pressing F3 and S on your keyboard at the same time to force the game to reload. If this key combination does not work, try pressing F3 and T at the same time. After a few seconds, check to see if the no sound problem has been resolved.

Alternative Video: How To Fix No Sound On Minecraft Glitch


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Why isn't my Bluetooth headphone connecting?

If your Bluetooth devices are out of range or are not in pairing mode, they may be unable to connect. If you're having persistent Bluetooth issues, try resetting your devices or having them “forget” the connection.

How Do You Change Minecraft's Audio Output?

  • By right-clicking the speaker icon in the taskbar, you can access the Sound Settings.
  • Under “Advanced sound options,” look for the “App volume and device preferences” section.
  • By selecting the “Output” drop-down menu in any app that generates sound, you can change the output device.

Why isn't my computer playing music through my Bluetooth headphones?

Check to see if your computer's volume is set to mute. Close and then reopen the audio playback app. After you turn off your computer, it should still be able to use Bluetooth. After removing the speaker from the list of paired Bluetooth devices, you can pair it again.

How Do I Make My Wireless Headphones Work With My Sound System?

  • To use a function other than Bluetooth, press the FUNCTION button on the unit.
  • Bluetooth headphones should be placed no more than 3 feet away from the system.
  • Pair the Bluetooth headphones with your phone.

How Do You Connect Headphones To An Audio System?

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How to Get Minecraft to Play Through Headphones
  • Ascertain that the source device has multiple outputs in order for it to be used.
  • The source device should be connected to your TV.
  • Connect one end of the audio cable to the source device's AUDIO OUT jack.
  • Connect the audio cable's other end to the AUDIO IN jack on the back of the headphones'
  • transmitter.

Why isn't my phone playing music through my headphones

To test this, go to Settings > Sounds > Vibration. Tap Volume and similar settings if your sound settings are not enabled. Because Android smartphones are manufactured by a variety of companies, you may need to adjust your sound slightly.

How to Fix Minecraft Sound Not Coming Through Headphones?

Most games, including Minecraft, offer a variety of sound effects. These are present to ensure that users have a better experience based on the equipment they are using, for example. Headphones or television? However, many players have reported that the sound does not come through headphones in Minecraft.

Recommended:  Are Headphones Input Or Output Devices?

Today, we'll take a close look at this problem and offer a few solutions. We will also discuss the possible causes of this problem. So, without further ado, let us get started!

Can You Play Minecraft PE with a Bluetooth Keyboard? (Guide)
How to Get Minecraft to Play Through Headphones

Before you start Minecraft, try plugging in your headphones.

Many players have reported hearing problems when they plug in their headphones after starting the game. As strange as it may sound, they have stated that plugging in headphones before starting the game can help with sound issues.

This is why we advise you to do the same. If it's a Bluetooth device, make sure to turn it on before starting the game. If you've only been having sound problems in Minecraft, this should help.

Check that sound is coming from your headphones.

You may need to open the Windows sound control panel and ensure that the sound is playing from the correct device. Play around with the options for where your sound should come from.

If you've noticed your headphones not working in any application, this is most likely the case. To confirm, we recommend watching a video on YouTube or playing any video with sound. If you can hear the video clearly through your headphones, here's your fix.

Why is my headset plugged in but there is no sound?

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How to Get Minecraft to Play Through Headphones

If Media Audio is turned on, your Bluetooth headphones may not send you any sound.Bluetooth headphones can be plugged into your iOS device by going to Settings. After you select your Bluetooth headphones, make sure Media Audio is turned on on your Apple laptop.

Is It Possible to Change Minecraft's Audio Output?

This channel will remain the default.When Minecraft is connected first, the audio will come from two different sources, then you should plug in your TV and change the default setting.You may run Minecraft as your default sound device and change it later.

In Windows 10, how do I change the audio output device?

  • By clicking the arrow in the bottom right corner, you can also select the Sound.
  • Speaker has an arrow next to it. To select a speaker, click the arrow.
  • Choose one of the audio output options available to you based on the capabilities of your computer.
  • The sound will then be directed to the appropriate device.
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In Minecraft, how do you change the sound to headphones?

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How to Get Minecraft to Play Through Headphones

Check A Hands-On Pokemon Before You Play Minecraft If your phone has a Bluetooth device, it's a good idea to turn it on before playing the game. It should solve a lot of problems you've had with Minecraft if they were caused by sound issues.


These are the two methods for resolving Minecraft sound not coming through headphones. We recommend that you troubleshoot and check whether you can normally hear from your headphones in other applications before trying any of them out.

If you are able, use the first method. If you can't, you should try the second method. If that doesn't work, your headphones may be damaged or improperly plugged in.

FAQs About How to Get Minecraft to Play Through Headphones

Why am I unable to hear Minecraft using headphones?

How to Get Minecraft to Play Through Headphones Image
If you experience no sound while playing Minecraft, try pressing F3 and S on your keyboard at the same time to force reload the game. If this key combination does not work, try pressing F3 and T simultaneously. This fix has helped many players resolve the Minecraft no sound issue.

Why isn't the sound from Minecraft coming through my Bluetooth headphones?

If you're using a microphone or headset, right-click the Volume icon in the System Tray to open Sound Settings and make sure the correct device is selected in the dropdown menu for input or output. Then, if necessary, try pairing again and run the Bluetooth Troubleshooter again.

Why isn't my game being played through my headphones?

If you are unable to hear in-game audio (despite receiving audio from other programs), your audio output device may not be set to default. A green check mark will appear next to your default device. If there is no green check on the device you are using, right-click the device's name and select Set as Default.

How can I change the audio equipment in Minecraft?

When you alter the default devices while Minecraft is running, it doesn't like it. It desires to continue using the default channel. Run Minecraft first, then plug in the TV and select a different default device so that the audio comes from two different places. Running Minecraft is recommended before changing the default sound device.

Trina Oralde

I'm a tech writer and contributor who covers the latest in gadgets and technology. I keep my finger on the pulse of the tech world, so you don't have to. Stay up-to-date on the latest with me!


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