How To Connect Headphones To Samsung TV? (2 Easy Methods To Try)

Connecting your wireless headphones to your TV is a terrific way to enjoy your favorite shows, movies, and games without bothering the people you live with – and it can also improve the sound quality of your material.

Aside from allowing you to watch TV without disturbing others, utilizing headphones instead of your TV's built-in speakers allows you to replicate a home theater speaker system without the expenditure of a soundbar, subwoofer, and rear speakers.

This article will guide you on how to connect headphones to Samsung tv.

If you want to recreate a theatre system, you'll need the correct headphones for the job – our top picks can be found in our guide to the best headphones for TV watching – but, in theory, any decent wireless headphones would suffice if your goal is merely to watch TV without bothering others.


How To Connect Headphones To Samsung TV?
How To Connect Headphones To Samsung TV?

Quick Answer, How to Connect Headphones to Samsung TV?

If your television has built-in Bluetooth,

1. Place your Bluetooth headphones in Bluetooth Pairing Mode.

2. Using your SAMSUNG Remote, navigate to the SETTINGS menu on your TV.


How to Connect Wireless Headphones to Samsung TV?

Samsung's TVs make it simple to connect a set of Bluetooth headphones (or a speaker) to your TV – and they're very good at remembering attached devices and reconnecting them when turned back on. Here's how you attach headphones to Samsung TVs that are running the company's current TV operating system.

  1. On your TV remote, press the Settings button.
  2. Go to the Sound tab.
  3. Choose Sound Output.
  4. Bluetooth Speaker List should be selected.
  5. Choose the device you want to connect to the TV. Please keep in mind that if your audio device does not appear, make sure it is turned on and paired.
  6. Connect by selecting Pair.

Make sure your wireless headphones or Bluetooth speaker are in pairing mode, and they'll appear in the TV menu's Bluetooth Device List section. When you select your headphones, a notification will display asking you whether you wish to pair the two devices. Confirm, and you're all set.

When you turn on the headphones while the TV is on, a notification will appear in the upper right-hand corner of the screen, asking if you wish to connect audio to the headphones. This will mute the TV speakers and redirect all sound to the device of your choice.

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To remove a Bluetooth device, return to the Bluetooth Device List window, mouse over the headset, select Edit, and then delete it.

Alternative Video: How To Connect Bluetooth Headphones To Samsung TV?

How To Connect Bluetooth Headphones To Samsung TV?

If your TV DOES NOT have built-in Bluetooth

If your TV or streaming device does not directly support Bluetooth connectivity, you can purchase a Bluetooth transmitter to connect your wireless headphones to your TV. These gadgets are typically affordable and can be hooked into the back of your television.

Some Bluetooth transmitters link to your TV's 3.5mm audio output, albeit this connection is not available on all models. You're probably better off going with a model that connects via your TV's optical port, as it provides a solid digital signal and is compatible with the majority of displays.

  1. Avantree Orbit
  2. Avantree Audikast Plus
  3. Avantree Oasis Plus

You'll be able to do the following with these:

  • Increase your Bluetooth range.
  • You can connect up to TWO PAIRS of headphones to your TV (adapter) at the same time.
  • In the case of the Oasis Plus, it can be utilized alongside a SoundBar/Stereo Receiver while sharing ONE Digital Optical Port.

The instructions are as follows:

  1. Plugin your Bluetooth adapter into a power source.
  2. Connect the Bluetooth audio adapter to the television. Digital Optical (aka TOSLINK or SPDIF,) 3.5mm Auxiliary (aka Headphones Jack,) and RCA (Red/White) Audio Output Ports are all supported by our adapters. More information can be found in the user manual for your adapter.
  3. Turn on your headphones and put them in pairing mode. (Please refer to the user handbook for your headphones.)
  4. Enable Bluetooth pairing on your Bluetooth adaptor as well. If you're not sure how to consult your user handbook.
  5. Hold the Headphone and the Adapter together until they connect.
  6. Once connected, go to your TV's settings menu and change the Digital Audio Format to PCM if you're utilizing a Digital Optical connection.
  7. And you're ready to go!

READ ALSO: How Loud Is Too Loud For Headphones? (Quick Answer!)

How to Connect Different Samsung Television Models to Bluetooth Headphones?

How to Connect Different Samsung Television Models to Bluetooth Headphones?
How to Connect Different Samsung Television Models to Bluetooth Headphones?

There are numerous Samsung Smart TV models available on the market. If users read the user manual, they can always pair them with Bluetooth headphones or soundbars. Your TV model may differ from that of another user. When it comes to discovering Bluetooth connectivity, you can connect the following TV models by following the procedures below:

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Models R, N, and M of Samsung Smart TVs (2019, 2018, 2017)

Begin by selecting Home, then Settings, Sound, Sound Output, and then Bluetooth Speaker list in that sequence for these Samsung TV models.

Model K of Samsung Smart TV (2016)

In that sequence, go to Home, Settings, Sound, Expert Settings, Wireless Speaker Manager, and Bluetooth Audio Devices.

Model J of the Samsung Smart TV (2015)

If you own this TV and want to link it to Samsung SoundConnect devices, navigate to Menu, Sound, Additional Settings, and then TV SoundConnect. If you have the same Samsung TV model but are using Bluetooth headphones, go to MENU, Sound, Additional Settings, and Bluetooth Audio.

Model H of the Samsung Smart TV (2014)

You may own this TV model and want to connect it to a Samsung SoundConnect audio device. In this instance, go to MENU, Sound, Speaker Settings, and then TV SoundConnect. MENU, Sound, Speaker Settings, TV Sound Output, and Bluetooth Headphones can be used to access other Bluetooth audio devices such as your headphones.

How to connect Bose headphones to Samsung Smart TV using Bluetooth?

How to connect Bose headphones to Samsung Smart TV using Bluetooth?
How to connect Bose headphones to Samsung Smart TV using Bluetooth?

Bose is one of the highest quality headphones that cut noise and deliver the best music in your ear, so follow these steps if you want to connect your Samsung TV with your Bose headphones.

1. Select the appropriate cables

Before connecting Bose headphones to Samsung TV, check the port to see which cable is best. However, most cables are frequently dependent on the user's preference. The most common connection is HDMI, which provides a digital connection that allows the TV and soundbar to communicate with one another.

Other options for connecting your Smart TV and headphones include an auxiliary cable and an optical cable.

2. Make the connections

Once you've chosen your cable, such as HDMI, connect your Bose headphones to your Samsung Smart TV, then locate the HDMI port on the Bose Speaker and connect its other hand. Then, turn on the soundbar and television and select Source, then Function. Then, select the HDMI option to keep the bridge connection between devices.

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3. Bluetooth interfaces

To connect Bluetooth, press the pair button on the Bose speaker. Then, turn on the television and browse the menu before locating and selecting sources. Then, turn on your television and look for the menu to access the sources, which will be followed by a connection guide. Then select the device to which you want to stream TV.

Final Thoughts on How to Connect Wireless Headphones to Samsung TV

At this point, the Bluetooth transmitter on your Samsung smart TV is turned on and ready to link with Bluetooth headphones. What remains is to activate the pairing further so that your TV may connect wirelessly through Bluetooth to the headphones.

Activating Bluetooth pairing mode is straightforward, and you'd do it the same way you'd connect your headphones to a smartphone. The headphones should display in your TV's Bluetooth speaker list. However, this is not always the case.

If your Bluetooth headphones do not appear in the Bluetooth speaker list, you should refresh the list so that the TV can re-scan for further Bluetooth devices. Your Bluetooth headphones will then appear on the list, along with other Bluetooth devices.

Connecting Wireless Headphones To Samsung TV
Connecting Wireless Headphones To Samsung TV

FAQs About Connecting Wireless Headphones To Samsung TV

What is the best way to link my TV to my wireless headphone?

Simply navigate to Settings > Controllers & Bluetooth Devices > Other Devices > Add New Device. Then, turn on your wireless headphones; they should appear on the screen. When you select them, the audio from your TV will be routed through your headphones.

How do I listen to my TV with headphones?

Simply put your wired headphones into your TV's 3.5mm headphone socket. If your TV lacks a 3.5mm jack but has RCA stereo outputs, you can utilize your headphones with an RCA-to-3.5mm adaptor. The obvious issue here is that you need a very long wire to listen to music from a comfortable distance away from your television.

How can I activate pairing mode on my Samsung TV or android TV?

Navigate to the Connection Guide. Select the Connection Guide from the Source menu to lead you through the process of connecting devices if they aren't instantly identified when you plug them in.
Pairing is now active.
Choose your device.
Locate the device among the available outputs.

Trina Oralde

I'm a tech writer and contributor who covers the latest in gadgets and technology. I keep my finger on the pulse of the tech world, so you don't have to. Stay up-to-date on the latest with me!


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